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Белые овчарки Baltic Beauty


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Белая овчарка, Baltic Beauty
Новость Gabe got BIG-2 from national show in Valmiera!
18.10.08 in Valmiera was a national show, where our kennel was presented with Gabe and Jumy.

All together there were 5 white shepherds, and 3 of them where junior-females :) Ring was judged by Lidija Okleshchen from Slovenia, who was very and very attentive (it's realy rare when the judge is so careful.

Our Gabe won juniors, received JCAC, which made her Latvian, Lithuanian, Estoinian, Baltic, Russian and Czech Junior Champion! Also Gabe became Best Of Breed and finished as Best In Group 2 (BIG-2)!!! 

Jumy received excellent and CAC from Intermediate class.

Gabe BIG-2 

[2008-10-19] [21:05]
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