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Белые овчарки Baltic Beauty
Evridikke Morris Baltic Beauty


Белая швейцарская овчарка

Питомник Baltic Beauty
Белая овчарка, Baltic Beauty
Новость Our choice is done

Reservations for puppies out of Gabe + Banshee Boy!

Society charm + luxury of Bavaria! 


Kennel Baltic Beauty gives a big attention to breeding. We understand, that breeding – is a serious work in long-term period and it’s related with the probes and mistakes. To avoid a lot of mistakes, we are very attentively monitoring and analyzing the results of dog shows, workings tests and results of X-Ray results of our and «potential» relatives. A choice of male dog for breeding is a serious and multistep process. As careful parents, we try to see our “fiance” personally in real life. So visiting international shows means also selection of a breeding male. Our experience gives us rights to say that choosing by pictures - is not a correct way.

Our data base + recommendations of our friends from Europe let us possibility to work on the best combinations of good, known lines and exteriors in our breed. A lot of our friends already know our Gabe. And we decided that it’s right time for her to become a mother. Every breeder knows how hard is to choose the right one male.


But we have done our choice, and we are happy to let You know, - the reservation for puppies is open now.

Society charm of Gabe + Bavarian luxury of Banshee Boy

[2009-02-03] [16:28]
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