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Белые овчарки Baltic Beauty
Моррис, 2 месяца


Белая швейцарская овчарка

Питомник Baltic Beauty
Белая овчарка, Baltic Beauty
Новость Jety on IPO trainings

Kennel Baltic Beauty is dedicated on breeding white shepherds. The main idea in our breeding is that, white shepherd is a working dog and we are trying to improve it. All our dogs are trained and have character test.

White shepherd Jety on IPO training

Today our goal is to develope in our dogs working charcters, that they should have.

Our Jety is going to pass her IPO exam in the end of February and we are keeping our fingers crossed for her!

White shepherd Jety on IPO training

Also a big Thanks to owners of our puppies, Аlla and Natasha, who works a lot with their dogs and prove, that White Swiss shepherd is a real working dog.

[2009-01-19] [10:56]
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